Friday, June 13, 2014


This post is for my mom (hi, Mom!), who loves pansies.

I won't even ruin the shoes with snarky comments.  All I will say is that the last 2 pictures are painted toddler/baby shoes (the shoes are painted, not the toddlers and babies...), and my mom is an awesome painter.  Don't you think she should start painting baby shoes?  Don't think she should start now, and in a variety of sizes and pictures on the off chance that I might have a baby some day who will need many pairs of adorable shoes?  Love you, Mom!

PS--maybe I should have done a Friday the 13th post.  But Friday the 13th shoes?  Ick.  I'm not a horror movie fan, so why do I want shoes with gross stuff on them?

1 comment:

  1. I like them all with the exception of the white, gray & black pair. Couldn't wear them but like them. I haven't painted much lately so I don't know how that would go - could be fun. ME
