Monday, July 21, 2014

A Day of Pet Needs

I spent the majority of the day saying, "Chalupa, NO!"  Poor thing is totally confused about his hormonal state these days, and Tallulah is in heat, so she smells good, and all he wants to do is lick her parts.  Of course, they have the cone of shame to prevent the licking of parts and therefor stitches, so it doesn't help that he's trying to lick her all day.  I try to separate them as much as possible, but when they are in different rooms they both whine and scratch at the door the entire time.  I'm trying to be patient, but damn they're driving me crazy right now.  Poor babies.  In other puppy news, I also power washed the area rugs today.  It has to be done periodically to help with the pee, poop, and puke stains.  Delightful, huh?  I try to keep on top of it with the Resolve spray and a scrub brush, but sometimes it needs a more thorough washing to help with stains and smells.  I ALSO cleaned the dragon cage today.  This involves putting the dragons in a tub full of water, taking everything out of their cage to also power wash outside, then vacuuming all of the bedding, poop, food, molted skin, roaches, and god only knows what else, then putting new bedding and everything else back in.  Reason #793 why husbands are like children?  They swear that the pets they want won't be hard to take care of and they will do everything that needs to be done.  Uh huh.  This is why I was involved in dealing with way too many pet bodily functions today.  I've washed my hands so many times I think the skin is just going to fall off.  Don't worry, there won't be poop shoes in this post.  We've done puppies, so tonight we'll do lizards:

I hope that top part moves like a pop-up book so the lizard can chomp chomp chomp.

I keep thinking the nostrils are eyes, but either way I think these are cute.

Yay!  Geckos!  I would like a pair, please.

Blue and green boots!  With geckos!

And actual Bearded Dragon shoes.  These are fabulous, in a totally ugly kind of way.

OK, I lied.  One pair of poop shoes because it's hilarious that poop shoes even exist.  And the poop is so happy.

Hopefully this will be there won't be a post that contains this many uses of the word poop again.  But don't hold your breath.

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