Saturday, July 19, 2014


We had Chalupa and Tallulah neutered and spayed today.  They also got micro-chipped, got rabies shots, and each had a couple of teeth pulled.  Gotta love the SPCA, but now I have some saaaaad puppies wearing cones of shame.  Talullah is too miserable to even care about hers.  Chalupa is feeling a lot better, so he's more adventurous and keeps running into things with his cone.  Maybe tomorrow it will be cute and funny but tonight I am just too sad.  Tallulah is just so miserable.  She just whimpers and looks at me like, "WTF, mom?  Why do you hate me?"  I know she'll get better, but I can't deal with their pain.  I sat on the floor with Tallulah earlier tonight and cried with her.  And how I'm going to keep them separated for 7-10 days is beyond me.  Until today they had never been apart for more than 5 or 10 minutes since birth.  Tallulah is sleeping with us right now and Chalupa, instead of sleeping, was hyper and acting crazy so I put him in the other room.  He started scratching at our door.  Then he would run outside and scratch at the sliding door to our room.   He just kept repeating the pattern until I couldn't take it anymore and went out to sit with him.  Normally I would just chalk it up to bratty behavior, but tonight it just made me sad.  Thankfully he finally calmed down and now he is in bed with us too.  Yes, they are getting spoiled right now.  This is one of the reasons I have trouble being a pastor, too.  I can't seem to separate from the pain of others.  I soak it up like a sponge.  I'm starting to wonder if I shouldn't have children, it might just kill me.  I am a sad mama tonight who needs these shoes:

You know how I feel about matching my shoes to the occasion.  Poor, sad, puppy shoes.

I couldn't do more sad shoes, though, so I went with 101 Dalmatian shoes to cheer myself up.  I really hope this is a pair and not one shoe from each pair, because I love them mismatched like this.

I love these, too.  Happy puppies!

Happy baby shoes!

Happy puppy slippers!

Definitely Cruella shoes.  Of course, for her they would have to be made of actual Dalmatian hide and that just goes back to sad, so let's not think about that.

Why is there only one?  Is the other one the same, or different?  Why must they leave me in suspense?!

OK, I feel a little better.  Plus, I've had Dalmatian Plantation running through my head this whole time, so it's harder to be sad while singing.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe someone's puppy ate the other slipper. ME
