Thursday, July 17, 2014

Because I Love My Mom And My Auntie

My mom gave me a gentle nudge of guilt yesterday about not posting this week.  Today she said my auntie was having blog withdrawals.  OK, OK...I can take a hint.  It's not that I've been avoiding you all, it's just that not much is going on this week, so I haven't been terribly inspired to write.  I mean, so far the highlights of this week have been:  Allergy shots and an appointment with my pulmonologist, going to his physical with the hubby, and having the puppies bring a dead bird into the house which I then stepped on.  See?  Who wants to read about that?  The first 2 are boring, and the last one is just gross.  What am I going to do, dead bird shoes?  Also, I haven't been feeling well this week.  Maybe it's just allergies, but I keep feeling like I'm getting or have a cold or a virus or something.  I'm achy and tired and wheezy and blah.  My brain has also been super helpful by informing me that every decision I have ever made has probably been wrong, or for the wrong reasons.  Don't you just love absolutes?  I mean how crazy is that?  Niece snuggling is mostly always a good choice.  Chocolate is definitely always a good choice.  Getting puppies?  Maybe not so much after Birdgate 2014.  Drinking water, eating veggies, working out (when I do it) are all good choices.  But apparently my brain is stupid and needs to be kicked.  And what shoes go with that post?  So, since this post so far is about basically nothing and doesn't have much of a theme, here are some shoes that also have no theme, except Hey!  Here are some shoes!

I like these.  Maybe.  I think so.  They kind of remind me of Polish potter in a shoe.

Damn.  You'd always be able to find these in a crowd. I actually like the black and white striped heet and platform, though.

I have no idea what's going on here, but I like it.  And those are really really tall shoes.

Supposedly these are shoes that change colors.  I don't think that's necessary in a shoe.  How would you match it to an outfit?

I don't even really know what to say about these, except that for some reason they kind of crack me up, and I kind of want them. 

I used to have a skirt in these colors and almost the same pattern.  I wouldn't have worn matching shoes with it, but these would be fun with other outfits.

You know those looms you can make potholders on?  Some really proud mother decided to re-purpose all of the potholders her kids made her in to these questionable shoes. That's my guess anyway.

These are because I couldn't leave you with potholder shoes and baby shoes with penguinitos are always a good choice.

Alright, Auntie and Mama, no more with the guilt.  I've written you a post.  Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to questioning my life.


  1. No more questioning! Go buy Polish pottery shoes for both you and your sister! ME

  2. Whew - I needed that. Withdrawal averted. Thanks!!
