Friday, July 18, 2014


Last weekend the hubby and I went to a birthday party for our backyard neighbors.  You know, they're the neighbors whose backyard backs up against our back yard.  His birthday is July 2 and hers is July 8, so they celebrate together.  We didn't know anyone there, so we invited a very nice lady to sit with us.  She was looking like I often look at parties, a little bored, a little nervous, and alone.  We had a nice conversation with her, and really enjoyed hanging out with her, but it turns out we were both thinking the same thing the entire time:  "Holy cow does she look like Ursula from The Little Mermaid!"  It was true.  She was very generously curvy and wearing a strapless black maxi-dress.  She had spiky/swoopy white hair, very long fake eyelashes, and dramatic makeup.  Part of me likes to think she goes for this look on purpose because she knows she's fabulous.  Of course, it's not exactly something you can just come out and ask:  "So...were you trying to look like a sea witch, or did it just work out that way?  At any rate, tonight's post is in her honor.

If I'm remembering correctly, our Ursula was wearing purple eye shadow rather than green, but it was up just as high.

But it was just the eye shadow; she wasn't purple in general, thank goodness.

I don't get these.   Once you put your foot in, you'd be stepping on Ursula's face.  That seems rather rude.  Also, you would then just have black shoes with random purple tentacles on them.

These are fabulous, and the perfect segue.

Because this post needs some Ariel, too.  I love the color of these.  Sea foam green, I assume?

These are very similar to the ones above.  Maybe even the same?  I can't tell without seeing the other side.  I like the sparkly purple laces better.

These are very busy.  I think most of the movie is represented on these.

I take that back.  THESE are busy.  With the pictures, and the bows, and the sparkly, red heels.  As Tim Gunn would say, "that's a lot of look."

So, thank you, Birthday Party Ursula, whose real name I sadly can't remember, for being fabulous and for giving me an idea for a post.

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