Sunday, July 13, 2014

Just a Little Late

Yesterday was my mom's birthday.  Happy Birthday (again), Mom!  Yes, I should have written this post yesterday, but it was social Saturday and the day got away from me.  We went to a birthday party at our neighbors' house (so we got to celebrate, just not with Mom), and then spent some time with friends of the hubby's and didn't get home until late.  It was a nice day, albeit exhausting for the introvert.  Last year I did shoes by years of things in her life (and got one year wrong, how that happened I still haven't figured out).  This year, it turns out that Mom is another family member with shoes named after her.  She even get shoes made in Paris.  Oooh la la!

Yes, I started with blue because I'm selfish and it's all about me.  And they were among the first to pop up.  I love these.

These also come in purple, but I kind of like the orange for some reason.

No to the pink.  But I had to include the t-strap.

This was the only green pair I could find, and they aren't even that cute.  This is clearly wrong of shoes named after my mom because green in her color.  These people need to do their research.

Sparkly and strappy!

My mom would actually not wear any of these shoes.  She's not really a shoe person, although she does read my blog because she's my mom and she's awesome like that.  I also just found out that my dad reads my blog (hi, Dad!), which for some reason is strange to me.  But he is also awesome.  Anyhoodle, back to Mom, who isn't a shoe person, but who really likes Mary Engelbreit.  So these are for you, Mama!

I love all of these, but this last picture is best for today because it acknowledges my lateness and has fancier shoes than you normally see from Mary.  She's fond of black Mary Janes, and there's nothing wrong with that.

So Happy Birthday, Mom!  Let me take this opportunity to apologize to you for my childhood.  (for those of you who don't know, I was a surprise, and I think my parents' lives would have been way quieter if they'd stuck with the first 2).  So, I apologize for:
  • Insisting on eating my breakfast behind the wood stove and inevitably burning the snot out of my arm
  • Getting a very large sliver of wood jammed in my foot and then being insanely allergic to Demerol
  • Falling on a nail and making you think I'd put my eye out
  • Getting a pencil lead jammed in my knee that had to be removed and then required stitches
  • Getting my ankle caught in the spokes of the brother's bike
  • Falling in the playground and ripping out a large chunk of my knee
  • Somersaulting over a foot and cracking my collar bone 
(all of these things happened before the age of 7)  Just think of the money you would have saved on medical bills!  In non medical things, I apologize for:
  • Climbing the cupboards and eating Crisco out of the can
  • Acting like a victim of starvation and hiding half of my food all over the house
  • Spilling all of that ink all over my bedroom carpet
  • Being a screamer
  • The necessity of us ever having to use the phrase "barfy bucket"
There are a million more, but I have to save something for next year!  Love you!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, thank you my dear and I really wouldn't trade you for anything. It's not that I don't like shoes I just have really wide feet and bad knees so it's practical, basically ugly shoes for me. ME
