Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Big Girl Shoes

I just posted on Facebook that some days I really don't feel like putting on my big girl pants and dealing with it.  "It" being the frustrating day I had today that I'm not going to force you to relive with me.  Sometimes big girl pants suck.  Not so with big girl shoes.  Those never suck.  See?

I keep seeing this book, thinking I need to read it, then forget.  Hey!  I should read this book...

Because ruffle butts aren't cute enough, we had to add big girl shoes?

This one totally reminds me of The Bean.  Her feet are probably almost my size now, but when she was younger, she would shove her toes down into my high heel shoes and do fashion shows for us.  She was surprisingly talented at walking in heels.  Although sometimes things backfired...

Here she is.  My tiny, adorable street walker niece...

Big girl pants are just plain overrated.  Big girl shoes can cheer me up almost any day.

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