Saturday, August 23, 2014

Cottony Cotton

Tomorrow is the hubby's and my 2nd anniversary.  We actually have plans, so in case I don't get around to posting tomorrow, I thought I'd do it now.  And I'm even posting relatively early - I should have waited until my usual time and then it really would be our anniversary.  In last year's post I mentioned how we spent the morning with me working on a sermon and the hubby doing his fantasy football draft.  We spent this morning almost the same way, but instead of a sermon, I worked on THE LIST.  We also watched Sharknado and many of my brain cells died.  Now we are watching the original Star Trek episodes, which are awesome and hilarious.  We are just soooo romantical.  

Apparently the appropriate gift for the 2nd anniversary is cotton.  This makes me want to make a sheep out of cotton balls for the hubby.  Or maybe a cotton ball snowman.  I'm sure he would really loooove either gift.  Instead, my gift to you is cotton shoes:

Mary Janes in lots of colors!

Gingham Mary Janes.  I think I'm liking cotton shoes.

Yep, definitely liking.  Rainbow stripes! Want them.

Awwww...stripey baby shoes.

More stripey baby shoes!

I've posted these before, but cotton heels!  And turquoise.  You know I couldn't resist.

Definitely couldn't resist these.  Holy buckets are these adorable.  Don't you think the hubby should buy me these as an anniversary gift?

Back to my romantic evening of enjoying William Shatner's fantastically bad acting.

1 comment:

  1. You definitely should have that last pair as an anniversary gift! ME
