Friday, August 22, 2014


I don't really believe that absolutely everything happens for a reason, but it is interesting to look back at things and see how they've influenced my life after.  For instance, living in Texas for 3 years taught me how to eat grits.  There was a woman at church (I think her name was Betty, or some other appropriate Lutheran name) who always brought cheese grits to potlucks.  The recipe was in the church cookbook, so I started making it myself.  Although I changed the Velveeta to cheddar, which probably makes me less cool in the grits world.  Want to know what makes me REALLY uncool in the grits world?  I love to eat them with dried cranberries, brown sugar, and soy or almond milk.  This is a sacrilege, apparently.  You're supposed to eat them with your eggs and sausage, or plain with butter and salt.  What the heck am I telling you all of this for?  Because the hubby takes his grits very seriously.  He pretends he doesn't know about the cranberries and brown sugar so he doesn't have to divorce me, and I am perfectly capable of eating grits for breakfast with eggs and sausage because of my time in Texas.  (We had grits for breakfast this morning, hence this looooong explanation)  I'm not saying I would never have tried grits had I not lived in TX, but the cheese grits definitely eased me in.  Otherwise I'm pretty sure cereal mixed with eggs would have grossed me out completely.  So.  In honor of those 3 years, here are some Texas shoes for you:

University of Texas golf shoes.  I don't know if they are official golf shoes, or just golf shoes for a UT fan.  I do know that UT fans are crazy (don't hit me, UT fans, you know I love you).

Awwww...for your baby UT fan.  Everything is cuter on teeny tiny shoes.

Can't include UT without including Texas A&M, because their fans are just as crazy.  When I first moved to Texas I coudn't figure out why so many cars had  ATM stickers (I was thinking Automatic Teller Machine).  Yes, I was a dork who knew nothing about sports.

I always like the sparkly shoes.  If  I were to become a rabid sports fan, I would wear sparkly shoes in the colors of the team of my choice.

I actually went to a few Rangers games.  They were fun in that boring live baseball kind of way.  I like baseball, it's just slow, so then I don't pay attention and always miss when something exciting happens.

Finally!  Some Texas shoes that don't have anything to do with sports!

Aaaaaand back to sports.  I've already posted these, since the Cowboys are the hubby's favorite football team.  See?  Sparkly heels.  Fun.  Weird, but fun.

I won't leave out the Houston Texans.  Shut up, sports fans.  I don't care if you hate the Texans or you miss the Oilers, or you're just grumpy because someone peed in your cheerios this morning.  Man, sports fans are sooooo touchy.

Texas.  Met some really good friends there, got to live in a different part of the country, don't want to move back there.  I so did not fit in there.  But, I got to live with my awesome aunt!  And it taught me to eat grits!  And drink like a fish, but that is a completely different post...

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