Thursday, August 21, 2014


Did you watch Shark Week?  Do you watch it every year?  I didn't watch this year, but turned the TV on tonight and saw a show about alien sharks.  I didn't really stick around to find out why they are alien sharks.  I'm sort of fascinated by sharks, in a freaked out kind of way.  Growing up in MT I didn't really have to fear sharks (I was more scared of the Flathead Lake Monster).  But watching any show where people are in the water with sharks makes me heart pound a little bit.  I've never even seen the movie Jaws, but the producers of shark shows always do a good job of building up suspense and intensity.  Hence the freaked out feeling.  I do, however, find it interesting just how many different kinds of sharks there are out there.  Still don't want to swim with them.  Tonight I'm bringing you shark shoes instead of shark week.

I would qualify these as alien sharks.  I love the color (do sharks come in turquoise?).  They look more like snakes or eels or maybe even piranhas.  Sneelanhas?

Sharkigator!  Sharkodile?  Or is it just me who thinks this looks like a lurking alligator (or crocodile...I don't remember which has which kind of teeth)?

 These are very sweet.

I think I've had these on here before, but they still crack me up.  I would wear these to a shark week party.  You know.  Like you do.  Would you call these peep-heel?

Oh.  My.  God.  Who the HELL thought this was a good idea?

Thank goodness.  I needed a little whimsy after that last pair.

A little more whimsy.  These sharks look like they are telling each other jokes.  These are my kind of sharks.

I'm going back to watching the shark-free food network now.


  1. Hopefully they weren't cooking shark. ME

    1. Nope. But one show had vegan lobster on it, which I don't get at all.
