Tuesday, August 5, 2014


The calendar started out the week in a pleasantly surprising manner, which is always nice.  It gave me 2 days in a row of shoes done with needlework, and it's quite the welcome change from the usual craziness (which it went back to today, but whatever).

This is from the 40s and is petit-point.  I think they are lovely and fun.

This is Turkish, from the 60s, and also fun.  I like the orange and pink together. 

I'm fairly certain I've posted these before, but I couldn't find them.  They are blue, so of course I like them.  I love the embroidery, too.  But these look like the are and odd shape and possibly very uncomfortable.

Holy wow.  These are certainly colorful.  They remind me of the pillows my grandpa used to needlepoint, but I have to admit I like the pillows a lot better.

Blue gingham AND red embroidered flowers?  What's not to love?

I really like these.  I would like to have them on my feet right now.  Except my feet are in bed (as is the rest of me...can you believe it?), and that would be weird.  But I really really like them.

These are also fun.  Vintage shoes often seem more elegant to me.  Probably because you wouldn't have worn CFM shoes unless you were, in fact, a hooker.  And maybe not even then.  Or so I'm guessing.  Hmmmm...maybe I should do research on the footwear of prostitutes through the years...

That last picture took a weird turn.  Let's go back to some blue embroidery that I again love.

Love love love these.

These make the booties above look tame.  Holy buckets these are crazy.  Thankfully Grandpa never made pillows that looked like this...

Oh my gosh cute.  Definitely going in the PB's imaginary shoe closet.

Also adorable.  The PB can have these when she gets older.

I'm actually going to bed now.  So good night, sleep tight, don't let the zipperumpazoos bite.


  1. Find the black pair with the cream braid in navy and they would go perfectly with the bean's birthday shirt. I'm seriously glad my dad never attempted needlepoint shoes. ME
