Friday, September 26, 2014

And The Award Goes To...

Me! For the worst sister ever! Because yesterday was the seester's birthday and I totally forgot to mention it in my blog post. Hubby and his injuries made me completely forget. Sigh. Better late than never? Since her favorite color is green and mine is blue (although we both like the other color as well) tonight's shoes are matching pairs in both colors.

Because she is way smarter than I, the seester doesn't wear heels a lot. I don't know if she shares my curse of the slingback, though.

Love the ballet flats.

I think these look like the seester. She can rock a Mary Jane like nobody's business.

A little heel, but wedges tend to be more comfy.

I couldn't find these in blue, but I think she could really work this olive color.

Ok, so one pair of heels just for whimsy. 

You know the best part? We wear the same size, so not only can we be shoe twins, but we can also swap colors! Now if only we lived closer so we could hang out more and share shoes.

By the way, the hubby 's hand is blistered today but not terribly painful, so that's good.


  1. Seester has back problems that prevent wearing heels. ME

  2. I know, I just didn't include that info. :-)
