Saturday, September 27, 2014

Random Puppy Facts

I've mentioned before how I've never really liked dogs.  I told the hubby I absolutely did NOT want a dog, and if we ever somehow ended up with one it would be an outside dog.  Yeah, now I have two of the creatures that I'm madly in love with and who I let sleep in our bed.  Since I am clearly insane, I may as well embrace it and write a(nother) post about them.

Chalupa is a kisser.  The instant he gets close to either of us he licks our face, with emphasis on inside of our noses and mouths.  It's gross, and his aim is uncanny.  Tallulah will occasionally lick, but it's pretty rare.  Instead, she likes to put her face right up to mine and smell my breath.  This is weird.  And yet it's still better than a dog tongue in my mouth or nose.

Chalupa is extremely needy.  He's like a toddler with separation anxiety and follows me everywhere.  If I'm sitting he's sleeping next to me or on my lap.  If he can get in he lays on the bathmat while I go to the bathroom.  I have to be careful while walking because he's constantly underfoot.  Tallulah is less needy.  But they are completely opposite when we let them sleep with us.  Tallulah is a total spooner and has to be touching one of us, while Chalupa immediately heads to the bottom of the bed to be by himself.

Both puppies would rather have carrots than dog treats.

Now you'd probably think I'd be moving on to something related to puppies and shoes, right?  Nope.  Since random is in the title, I'm going to continue with that theme and move on to....rain boots!  Besides the hubby's injuries and the seester's birthday, Thursday also brought us RAIN!!!  It didn't last all day, but it was sooooo nice to finally give some moisture.    That night the Pinterest Friend sent me these two pictures:

These are from her sister's Instagram account.  She was channeling her inner child and enjoying the rain.  How cute are her rain boots?  So let's look at some more rain boots and puddles.

I totally want it to rain again so I can play in the puddles!  Of course, first I'd have to buy some rain boots.  Or go out and play in regular shoes, which would be bad.

I actually thought that first picture was her boots in leaves, so I found a couple of those.  It's actually bark, but I already found the pictures.  Plus these rain boots have umbrellas on them so they go with the puddle theme!

And these have owls on them, which are the PF's favorite.  I had to include them.

So puppies and rain and boots and puddles.  Random?  Yes.  But it's a random kind of day.

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