Sunday, September 28, 2014


The hubby went to the 49ers game today with a friend of his, so it was just me and the puppies.  I alternated between cleaning and relaxing.  I enjoyed some reading time, which is always awesome.  I also played Boggle on my Kindle.  I downloaded the app last night and it could be  a very bad thing as I get totally obsessed.  It's like reading "just one more chapter."  Each game is only 3 minutes, so "just one more game" shouldn't be a big deal, right?  Well, 10-20 games later...  Oh well.  The hubby like strategy games like Clash of Clans, and I like word games.  I've known I was a dork for quite a long time.

Anyway, as I was thinking about what kind of shoes to go looking for for tonight's post, dragonflies popped into my head.  I've done them before, as they are my favorite, but hey, there are always more shoes out there.  So here we go:

I love these.  I would detest the thing between my toes, but I might try to tolerate it for these awesome dragonfly sandals.

These are interesting.  I like the heels, actually, and the iridescence makes sense in theory.  In practice, though it makes me think of very pretty snake scales.  No thanks.

These are really cool.  I could probably figure out how to make these myself.

Wow.  I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I actually like these.  I doubt I would buy them, but they're definitely interesting and different.
Love these too.

I'm turning into a broken record:  Love these.

Awwwww...Can I please borrow someone's baby so I can play dress up with its sweet little feet?

Please?  I'll give the baby back.  All of my nieces are old enough to have their own opinions and won't let me arbitrarily dress them.

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