Friday, October 3, 2014


I had lunch with a lovely friend today.  Actually, I think you might be able to accurately use the word "broad" to describe her.  But in a totally good way.  She just lays it out there.  Says it like she sees it.  From some people I would be completely offended by half of what she says.  From her it just seems normal.  So it was a good time all around.  The setting didn't hurt, either:

This is at a place called Phillips Farms, or just The Farm.

Clearly this means we need farm shoes.  Because cows and piggies are cute.

See?  Barns are also cute on shoes!

Heehee.  This whole thing makes me giggle.

Is it weird that I would wear these?  The sheep ones would be perfect for all of the sheep story Sundays at church.

Farm equipment shoes!

I'm not sure what's on the green boots.  Horses and cow pattern fit the farm pattern, though.

So, lunch at The Farm.  Farm shoes.  Old McDonald had a farm.  Yeah, I just needed a third something to finish that sentence.  

Random:  I got home this afternoon and the hubby hadn't turned the AC on (I know this sounds weird to those of you who have had snow in the last week...we have had temps in the 90s).  It was 84 degrees in the house and he was wearing a sweatshirt.  My husband was weird.


  1. But is he well or just weird? ME

    1. Not sure. Drs appt next week, so we'll see.
