Wednesday, July 1, 2015


I have blogger's remorse today, but first, let me say thank you to all of you who have shared your kind words, thoughts, and encouragement.  The remorse comes not from having shared, but from both over- and under-explaining the situation.  It's all much more complicated than can be shared in a single blog post, and I didn't probably explain as well as I could.  Oh well.  Today was a little better, mostly due to all of you reminding me what good friends I have out there.  It's not better in terms of the overall situation, but I spent the day doing job searches and filling out applications online, so we'll see.  Now, if anyone knows where I can quickly sell one of my less-than-necessary internal organs, I'd appreciate you letting me know so I can pay the mortgage. :-)

Today was also better because of this:

It arrived on my Kindle last night!  If you don't remember reading my last post about this you can go here and here for more information.  I have a friend who is a published author!  I can't wait to dive in and read this, but first I have to read the multiple library ebooks which inconveniently decided to come available this week.  Since they expire and this doesn't, I'll read them first and save myself a treat for later.

To celebrate this momentous occasion, I give you shoes with letters on them (yes, wine and chocolate would probably be better, hopefully Ms. Griep is indulging in them tonight, but as this is a shoe blog, I guess I'll stick with shoes):

Yep.  Those were shoes with letters on them.  I actually liked all of them, especially the do it yourself baby block ones.  I think I would spend too much time and thought on exactly what the shoe said and never actually buy a pair.  I would want it to be very specific and somehow relevant.  Hmmm...maybe I should figure out how to make Cami a pair of shoes with parts of her book on them?

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