Saturday, January 16, 2016


Today, according to my handy dandy holidays tracker, is Dragon Appreciation Day.  Who knew?  Not me, at any rate.  Poor dragons didn't get special appreciation today.  They did get the usual amount, like a morning bath in nice, warm water.  If I'd known, I would have given them their favorite treat of yummy (to them) freeze dried meal worms.  They're actually sleeping right now, at least until I decided to take pictures:

Bulbasaur really likes to sleep propped up against the back wall.  His bottom feet are on the lava rock, and he's support himself with his tail, but then he clings to the styrofoam climbing wall.  I don't think it looks comfortable, but he sleeps like this most nights, so it must work.

Charmander prefers stretching out on the log, which seems much more comfortable.  For some reason I think he looks smug in this picture.  Silly dragon.

Squirtle is our fort builder.  She likes to dig and make herself little nests.  I added the arrow just in case you weren't sure where to find her in the picture.  When she hibernates this is the spot she likes to be.  Also when the boys annoy her.  I think she's an introvert like me.

I posted a couple of weeks ago on Squirtle's and Charmander's birthday, but thought I'd post again and give you some actual pictures of our non-fur babies.

So no on to the shoes.  I think I've posted these before, but couldn't find where.  There is this post about dragons, but it doesn't include these shoes, so I'm not sure where I posted them before.  I like these, even if they are starting at me.

This is so cool!  I like the blue, of course, but I also really like the design.  It's intricate and interesting. mother of dragons, do I need these?  Probably.

Whoa.  Damn.  Yikes.

I like these.  I think?  The dragons are kind of squished into the wedge so they look like they are being squashed as you walk on them.  Or maybe I'm just overly sensitive.

At any rate, Happy Dragon Appreciation Day!  You don't have to appreciate my dragon babies, but maybe there is a kind of dragon you do appreciate.  PuffPete's DragonDragon Tales? Game of Thrones? The Reluctant Dragon? I'm sure there are a million other choices, so whatever makes you happy!

Speaking of happy, we finally got some good news today!  Sorry to be vague, but I'm going to wait until the good news is a little more solidified before sharing, but in the meantime let me just say thank you so much for your prayers, good thoughts, and support!

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