Friday, January 15, 2016


Tonight's post is brought to you by inspiration from the Pinterest Friend, although not from Pinterest this time.

The PF has recently started her own photography business and got these as part of a bunch of props.  How cute are these?   I told her that we would book a newborn shoot with her and these shoes for the Potential Baby.  You know...some day...maybe.

I'm not a huge fan of animal print, but I went in search of more giraffe print baby shoes.  I actually chose these for the bows because now that I'm looking at them again I'm not terribly fond of the pattern.

Look!  The same shoes with a black ribbon.  AND the same shoes from the first picture!  I try to find my excitement wherever I can...

These just crack me up.  So fancy!

Maybe the PB could actually be PT (Potential Twins), a boy and a girl and then they could have coordinating blue sparkly shoes.  I need therapy, don't I?

Or I could just get a whole bunch of colors of sparkly tennies.

These might actually be doll shoes, but I think they're adorable.

In conclusion (a conclusion that has nothing to do with the rest of the post), I would like to know why there is no chocolate in my house when I want to eat my feelings.  I do not approve of this chocolateness in the slightest.

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