Friday, January 22, 2016

Polka Dots

Today is National Polka Dot Day!  Hooray! You might be asking, "WHY do you love polka dots so much?"  And my answer to you is, "I don't know!"  I really don't.  It's not like I have some lovely, nostalgic childhood memory involving polka dots, at least not that I can remember.  I guess polka dots just make me happy, which is reason enough sometimes.  Also, I have now typed the phrase "polka dots" enough times to wonder why are they POLKA dots and not just dots?  If you too wondered that, then feel free to go here and read some more.  Then come back and look at some shoes!

Shoes like this make me want a cute, proper suit and a pillbox hat. I'm not normal, am I?

I really like this color combination, I just wish the bows looked a little less like chewing gum.

Are you shocked that I love the blue one?  I also love the red one, so there.

This one is intriguing to me.  I like it and I also think it looks unfinished, so I don't know if I like it.

I would wear these.  I would laugh hysterically if I could also make the hubby wear them.  He's so boring in the shoe department.  It's a good thing his imaginary shoe closet only exists in my head or he might have a heart attack.

No pillbox hat, but definitely a saucy red suit.


Ooooh...polka dot baby shoes!  If the PB actually existed and I had unlimited funds for shoes, that kid would wear a different pair every day.  Which is ridiculous on so many levels.  Probably a good thing I have neither a baby nor unlimited funds.

Happy Polka Dotting!  Enjoy the day.  Celebrate the dot.

1 comment:

  1. What happened to Polka Nuts? The black and white pair may look unfinished but they could just be a blank canvas for you to decorate however you want. ME
