Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Spousal Shoes

Today is Spouses Day.  I have a spouse, as it turns out (which is still kind of weird when I think about it).  I actually kind of like him most of the time.  He drives me crazy some days, and I'm sure I reciprocate, but all in all I think we're weathering the craziness of our married life fairly well. I would have thought spouses day would, or could, just be on each couple's anniversary, but I guess there needs to be an extra, special day.  Or something.  I choose to celebrate by looking at shoes:

These are handy just in case you forget which spouse you are...

No way I would have gotten the hubby into blue canvas sneakers for our wedding, but I like the idea.

I MIGHT have gotten him into blue socks, though.  Damn, another opportunity missed.

Oh dear.  Irregular Choice strikes again.  What kind of drugs are those people doing over there while they're designing shoes?

Sorry for only 4 pictures tonight.  I'm so tired.  I haven't posted the last few days because I've been going to bed ridiculously early.  I have a sinus infection (but not as bad as they used to be, so yay!) and a yeast infection (sorry for the TMI), so basically I'm all infected and incredibly tired.  In fact, as soon as I fold the laundry in the dryer so I can dry the load I just washed, I'm going to bed again.

Now, if you haven't already, go smooch your spouse!


  1. No fair - married people get their anniversary, the anniversary of when they met, the anniversary of their engagement, and Valentines Day PLUS spouses day. When will there be Single, Never Been Married, Never Had Children Day? KMc

    1. We should create one! Let's choose a date and figure out how to celebrate!

    2. Sounds good. Any celebration must include chocolate!
