Monday, February 15, 2016


I'm tired.  I didn't sleep well last night for some reason, and then we got up extra early to be at the office.  We had new employees start today, so we did training.  It was good, but now I'm tired.

Today was Presidents' Day, but it was also Hippo Day!  And frankly, hippos seem like more fun when it comes to the shoe possibilities (I've found cute hippo shoes before, but never cute president shoes).  Because of the subject of the first paragraph, here are adorable hippo shoes with no commentary.

Awww...these make me smile in my exhausted state.

Memory lane:  2013 and 2014.

3 Things:
  1. New employees and renewed hope for the business.
  2. Peanut Butter M&Ms (although I probably shouldn't love them quite so much, or I should just start attaching them directly to my rear).
  3. Blue suede shoes and wearing heels for the first time in forever.

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