Sunday, February 7, 2016

Super Bowl

I actually watched the Super Bowl this year.  I've "watched" it before sort of, but never really paid attention.  Tonight I watched the whole thing and sort of kind of even understood it.  I watched it for Peyton Manning, really.  I like him, he seems like a nice guy, and I wanted him to win so maybe he will retire and stop beating the crap out of his body (the hubby watches and listens to a ton of ESPN so I now know way more about this stuff than I ever wanted to).  Hey, you have your reasons for watching, I have mine.

Both teams in today's game have blue as one of their colors, which I appreciate.  This was the case the last time I wrote about the Super Bowl as well (which, strangely enough also included the Broncos).  So here are some shoes in honor of both teams.

Blue Mary Janes!

I like the ones with more blue than orange (I know you're shocked), but these are sparkly, which is always fun.

These are much more practical for wearing to a game.  I like them.

And of course the baby fans need shoes, too!

The Panthers' mascot is a lot meaner looking than the Broncos'. 

Oooh, I like these, at least the turquoise, sparkly side.

Again, very practical for the game.  I have to admit, I'm liking the canvas tennies better than the heels tonight.

For the babies.  Love the 2 shades of blue.

Thus endeth my football post.

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