Saturday, February 13, 2016


I don't know if it's because tomorrow is Valentine's Day or what, but yesterday (according to my holiday website) was Hug Day and today is Kiss Day.  I thought I'd go see what I could find in the way of kiss shoes.  (Side note:  KISS shoes were NOT what I was looking for).

Aw...kiss gifts shaped like shoes.  Seems appropriate for Valentine's Day.

These are kind of cute, but I wouldn't actually wear them.

I think this is a shoe clip.  I like it better since I know it's removable.

That Zazzle  site has everything!  While I wouldn't wear the first pair, I would wear these.  Does that make me weird and wishy washy?

I also find these strangely cute.  Still wouldn't wear them, but I like them.

The puppy is adorable, but why is it a puppy on one shoe and kissy lips on the other?  Puppy kisses?

For all of you Disney fans out there.  Some smoochies for your Valentine's weekend!

Black, white, red, and polka dots.  Normally these combine to form shoes I  like, but not so much this time.

Happy Kiss Day!  I hope you were able to enjoy some kisses, whether of the lip or chocolate variety.

Memory lane:  2013 actually ties in with this post.  See if you can spot why! 2014. 2015.

3 Things.  This one is tough today as I have been cranky as all get out, but, here goes:
  1. A new blog post from a good friend.
  2. Kisses, whether of the hubby or puppy variety (sadly the chocolate variety was absent).
  3. Sunshine

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