Sunday, February 14, 2016

Will You Be My Valentine?

Happy Valentine's Day!  Whether you are in a relationship or not, I hope your day is full of love.  I know today is supposed to be about romantic love, but I say to heck with that.  The Beatles said "all you need is love," and I think that means whatever kind is available.  Romantic love?  Yep.  Familial love?  Awesome.  Platonic love?  Cool.  God's love?  The best.  Plus, any excuse to eat chocolate is OK in my book.  Here are some heart shoes to show the love:

I'd like full pairs, but I'd take a life size version of this for Valentine's Day.

If these were removable they'd be awesome.  Basic black for every day, sparky hearts for special occasions!

Damn.  No.  Even the shoe itself is weird.

Again, these need to be removable.  Although I'm not likely to wear baby pink slingbacks, with or without shiny hearts.

Simple.  I like this one.

I want to like these, but they look a little cheesy.

Love these.  I need a pair of canvas tennies for every theme.  Buy all the themes!

In case that's not enough Valentine's Day shoes for you, feel free to browse years past:  2013, 2014, 2015.

3 Things:
  1. Breakfast in bed.   Thanks, hubby!
  2. Lazy day binge watching TV with the hubby and puppies.
  3. The Beatles:

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