Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!

It's Dr. Seuss's birthday!  It's also Read Across America Day! This is my kind of holiday. Too bad I have a menstrual migraine and feel like I'm going to hurl.  But I shall attempt to ignore that loveliness and do a(nother) Dr. Seuss shoe post.  Hooray!

This isn't my favorite Dr. Seuss book because it makes me sad, but I love the colors on the shoe.

I love all of the Whos encircling the shoes!

Fah who for-aze!
Dah who dor-aze!
Welcome Christmas,
Come this way!

One fish, 2 fish, red fish, blue fish.  And some very smug-looking green fish!

I love Hop on Pop!  I also love that it is subtitled "The Simplest Seuss for Youngest Use."

More shoes (and a bib!) for the PB.

More Lorax shoes.  But how fabulous is that blue?

I figured why not go for day 3 of yellow canvas shoes?  And I do love me some Horton.

Ahhhh...Dr. Seuss makes me happy.  Dr. Suess shoes make me even happier.  Almost happy enough to ignore this stupid blankety-blank-blank headache.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014

3 Things:
  1. Dr. Seuss books!  Rhyming!  Books in general!
  2. Awesome news received today on the personal front!
  3. Awesome news received today on the work front!
Hooray for today!


  1. Don't wear any of those in the rain! They're much too cute to be covered in mud. ME

    1. I thought that when I wrote it! I'll try not to get my fictional, cute shoes muddy, I promise.
