Saturday, March 26, 2016

Holy Saturday

You'll be shocked to know that we spent a good chunk of the day unpacking.  You'll be even more shocked to learn that I scraped the crap out of my arm.  I need a vacation from this move, please.

On a happier note, we spent the evening with some friends and got to meet their foster son, who is 2.  He's adorable and so much fun.  I had a great time playing with him.  I figured tonight's post should be about boys' toddler shoes:

I wonder why this one didn't come up on my search for puppy shoes?  The pink version did, but not the blue.  Rude. 

These are so serious and grown up looking, and yet somehow re still fun and toddler-like.  Or maybe I'm just insanely tired.

Woody!  Every kid needs a pair.

Blue, but not my favorite of tonight's shoes.

Maybe I'm just in a brown and orange, old man shoe kind of mood?  Because I think these are adorable, too.

Between the unpacking (and helping the hubby haul the ginormous outdoor fireplace to the backyard) and playing with a very busy 2 year old, I am not really tired.  I think I shall go to bed.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2015.

3 Things:
  1. Happy little boys who have incredibly infectious grins and who share their toys with me.
  2. As the post title says, it is Holy Saturday.  I always feel like today should be overcast.  Maybe not as gloomy as I think Good Friday should be, but not as sunny as it was today.  Today was beautiful, which is good, despite my weird holy week weather feelings.  Holy Saturday is a day of waiting and watching. A day between.  A day to reflect on the mysteries and grace of God's promises.
  3. An evening with good friends and yummy food.

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