Friday, March 25, 2016

Good Friday

I spent my Good Friday cleaning at the old house and picking up all of the random stuff that gets left during a move.  I had planned to go to church, but the day went later than I anticipated (what else is new with this move?) so unfortunately I didn't get to go.  I'm one of those people who needs Good Friday before Easter and the promises of the resurrection.

Shoes and Good Friday don't seem to go together, so I'm going to go with another day from the holidays calendar:  Waffle Day!  Is that sacrilegious?  I hope not. It probably is.  I'm probably going to hell.  Oh wait, the promises of the resurrection, which come from Good Friday, are all about grace.  Whew.  Maybe I won't go to waffle hell after all.

Overall waffle shoes are kind of hilarious, but I have no desire to own any.  The last picture is my favorite, and the crazy thing is those are Melissa shoes for toddlers.  I never though I'd find any Melissa shoe cute.

Dang.  Now I want waffles.  With peanut butter and maple syrup.  Maybe in the shapes of shoes!

Memory Lane: 2013. 2015 (I finally have a 2015 post again, but now don't have a 2014 post). 

3 Things:

  1. Good Friday.  It's not a fun or pretty day, but the promises of the resurrection come from it, and that makes it good.
  2. There might(?) be a light at the end of the moving tunnel? 
  3. I'm going to miss the neighbor kids at the old house.  The 2 younger girls have been coming over to chat while I've been packing and moving, and they never fail to put a smile on my face.  They are the same ages as Laughter and Flower, which makes me miss those babies even more.

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