Thursday, March 24, 2016

Maundy Thursday

My inner Liturgical Calendar isn't as finely tuned as it used to be, but I DO at least remember that it's Holy Week and today is Maundy Thursday.  Maundy (from Latin mandatum or mendicare), or Washing of the Feet remembers the Last Supper Jesus had with his disciples.  They celebrated the seder, or Passover, and after the meal Jesus washed the feet of his disciples.  Many churches do a foot washing as part of their Maundy Thursday worship services.  I've been on both sides of it, as the washer and washee, and I'm definitely more comfortable doing the washing.  I always feel a little bit weird having my feet washed.  I'm like Peter who tried to convince Jesus to let him (Peter) wash his (Jesus') feet.  I guess I have to remember to let people care for me.

Since foot washing involves bare feet, I thought for today instead of doing shoes I would do fun pedicures.  You want those feet to be cute for the foot washing!  (Yes, that was sarcasm.  Yes, I do realize that having "cute" feet is missing the point of the foot washing ritual.  But, taking something seriously and holding a tradition within the respect with which it is due does not mean a little whimsy can't be involved.)

You know I love stripes.  You might not know that I used to always paint my toenails different colors.  I guess before I had my current shoe fetish I had a love of brightly painted toenails.  I had to dress those Birkenstocks up somehow!

More stripes.  These say spring on the left and fall on the right to me.

Beachy toes!  Although I'm not entirely sure what the design on the left is?

 Polka dots!  These are very springy and Eastery.

Of course I chose a blue option.  This is more along the lines of what I might get nowadays.  I'm not usually very adventurous with my pedicures these days.

More polka dotty Easter toes.

Ooooh, I love dragonflies.  AND they're blue!

Oh man, I might have to see if I can do this myself on my toes for Sunday.  Sooooo cute.

Don't let your pedicure, or lack thereof, keep you from getting your feet washed.  Jesus loves your toes no matter what!

Memory Lane: 2013 (it was the beginning of Holy Week three years ago). 2014 (elephants and Arts Camp).

3 Things:
  1. Day 3 of the new hair cut and I still like it.  It even looks cute when I am lazy and don't do anything with it.
  2. The weather is so pretty.  Lovely and sunny but not yet hot.
  3. People in my life who tell me to shut up and let them take care of me.  More often than not I need that.

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