Wednesday, March 23, 2016


It's National Puppy Day!  I miss these tiny little bitties.

I don't miss them pooping on the floor or throwing up every time they got in the car, but I miss those little faces.  I love my "big" puppies, too, though.  They are currently snuggled up next to me and the hubby as I type.  They are so very happy their daddy is home.

And now puppy shoes!

They're all kind of similar and all adorable.  The PB could have a different pair of puppy shoes for every day of the week!

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014 (we took the puppies on adventure although I don't think I realized it was National Puppy Day).

3 Things:
  1. The hubby is home!
  2. I love my puppies.  Never thought I'd be a dog person, but I have totally become one.
  3. I chopped 11 inches off my hair yesterday.  I loooooove it, and will donate hair for the 4th time.  I even updated my bitmoji to reflect the new do:

Yep.  Looks *just* like me.

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