Tuesday, March 1, 2016

My Poor Hairbrush

The handle snapped off my hairbrush about a week ago.  I continue to use it until I can get another one, but every morning I find myself singing The Hairbrush song from Veggie Tales Silly Songs with Larry:

It's a classic for a reason!  I've done one other Veggie Tales post, but it only had 2 pairs of shoes, so here are some more:

God DID make you special, and now you can have shoes to remind you!

I'm not a huge fan of crocs, but I like the little attachment thingy (I'm sure there's a name for it, but I have no idea what it is). 

Slippers!  But I don't know how I feel about shoving my foot into Larry's mouth.  Aren't I supposed to put my foot in my own mouth, or at least try to avoid that?

The PB needs these.  Potential Nana, can you get on that?

Then the PB can become a toddler and have these!

But I want these!  Hmmm...2 pairs of yellow high tops in 2 days.  What am I trying to say?

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014.

3 Things:
  1. An amazingly lovely and helpful woman at the bank today who helped make a crappy and annoying situation better.  She was my hero and now I love her.
  2. I wore my awesome coral shoes today.  The happy color helped cheer me up.
  3. A hilarious conversation with our 16 year old intern who was fascinated by long distance calls.  It started when we were talking about toll-free numbers and he said, "wait, are there numbers that are toll...full?"  Party lines just about blew his mind.


  1. Potential Nana could try. Poor kids today so many things they'll never understand. ME

  2. I love the hairbrush song! Sorry yours broke. :-/ And so glad someone came to your rescue a bit at the bank.
