Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Today is As Young As You Feel Day.  Go to the website, it's totally made up, but there you have it.  Today I feel like about 967 years old.  I'm Old Testament old.  Moving is stressful, y'all.  Moving when your luck sucks like mine does lately is even more stressful.  I'll spare you the details, but I'm surprised I haven't gone completely gray in the last week.  Add to that a deeply bruised purple sausage toe and the return of the arthritis in my neck (which meant I slept like crap last night because no matter what position I was in my right hand kept going numb), and I am definitely feeling old and worn out.  So for the heck of it I googled "old lady shoes."  How pejorative is that phrase?  Of course there were some of what you would expect with orthopedic shoes, etc., but here are a few for the sassy old ladies out there.

Along with orthopedic options, these are actually what I picture in terms of old lady shoes.  The funny thing is that they're in style now as funky, retro, "young" people shoes.   They're kind of boring in basic black, but I've seen variations that are quite cute.

Apparently old lady shoes means a low heel?  Why can't young people wear a low heel if they darn well feel like it?  This is very pretty.

Oooh...so are these!

If the heel was slightly different (not higher, just a little smaller so it didn't stick out on the sides) I would like this a lot more.

T-strap!  Very springy and Eastery.

These look comfy.  They're kind of cute and kind of not.  I feel differently every time I look at them.

Oh well, at least I know I can still get cute shoes even when I'm 967.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014

3 Things:
  1. A friend called me from out of the blue yesterday and it was so lovely to hear her voice.
  2. Another friend made a comment on Facebook today that was very simple, but it made me feel all warm and fuzzy and loved.
  3. Actually, several friends made warm and fuzzy and loved comments today.  Yay!


  1. Your maternal great grandmother wore the black old lady shoes as did our neighbor across the street - she wasn't an old lady when I was a kid. ME

    1. Those are the ones that were neatly crossed when she tipped over in my rocking chair, right? I was just telling someone that story the other day!
