Monday, March 21, 2016


It's raining.  Normally this makes me happy, and on one had it still does because we need the moisture.  On the other hand, I have a backyard of yard stuff, including cushions, getting wet after the movers dumped everything and left.  I was so focused yesterday on the garage I didn't even think about the backyard.  This Bitmoji pretty well sums up my attitude toward the rain today:

Only my Bitmoji self can pull of skinny pants and booties.

Anyway, in honor of the rain, the PF sent me some fun rain boots!  

OK, I know these aren't rain boots.  They're adorable baby cowboy boots!  But hopefully not steel-toed.  Oh dear, I might be too klutzy for babies.  What if they actually need steel-toe baby shoes (plus a helmet and lots and lots of bubble wrap) to protect them from mommy? 

These will definitely brighten up a gloomy day. Also appropriate as yesterday was the first day of Spring.

Blue, of course, because she knows her audience.  I like these.  I would wear them.  Again, I must ask, don't rain boots just make your feet sweat?  Anyone out there wear them and want to way in on this extremely pressing question?

Horsey boots!

Kind of a boring color, but you know I love a good polka dot.  And I think I see some black ones with multi-colored polka dots in the picture above?

I guess I won't complain too much about the rain today as the hubby and the parents have both had snow in the past few days.

Memory Lane:  2013 (from yesterday in case you were curious). 2013. 2014.

3 Things:

  1. Rain.  It's a blessing, even when I'm dumb and don't put stuff away properly.
  2. Service people who come on time.  I really hate those 4 hour windows you normally get, but today I had a window 7:30-8am window for the internet guy and he was there by 8:10.  Yes, that's technically late, but very timely compared to how those appointments usually go.  He was also very nice, very efficient, and done by around 9:00.
    1. Also a very nice lady I spoke with on the phone about ordering some stuff for the office.  She was so helpful when I was so confused.  She then said the hubby should give me 2 dozen roses for being the wife of the year.  No wonder I liked her!
  3. Internet at the new house!  It was only 2 days without it, but still, I'm happy I didn't have to wait longer.

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