Sunday, March 20, 2016

Poor Barbie

Between the purple sausage toe and unpacking I didn't leave the house today. Since we don't yet have Internet I'm writing this on my phone, which is a pain, so this will be short (I can't guarantee sweet).

Last night I found this barbie boot in the backyard:

There's a barbie somewhere with only one black boot! She probably has an outfit that is now ruined. 

On a happier note, Double A and the Bean got new Converse, and they both got blue! Sniff, sniff...I'm such a proud auntie. 

And soon I and the purple sausage toe shall go to bed. 

No memory lane tonight because my phone is being difficult. I think it was only 2013 anyway. 

3 Things
  1. I got a ton done today, despite the toe and totally over sleeping. 
  2. I overslept! It was lovely. 
  3. It's Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week. I have major guilt about my lack of spiritual relationship, but I'm putting it on the list anyway, because Holy Week is a beautiful part of the church year.  


  1. Technically they are green and blue - Double A's are teal and Bean's are cyan! ME
