Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Today is Bicycle Day, which sounds pretty cool, until I clicked on the link and found out it's actually about LSD.  Hmmm...I'm just going to go ahead and make this about bicycles if that's OK with you.  We don't need drug-themed shoes, and certainly nothing hallucinogenic.  

Maybe if you're disappointed you can squint and pretend some of these are psychedelic.  Who knew there were so many bicycle-themed baby shoes and in so many fun colors?  This is actually only a sampling, there were quite a few more options.  And yes, I know I've been posting a lot of baby shoes lately.  No, I'm not pregnant, but I've been feeling a little stressed, a little sad, a little blah lately, and baby shoes are always a nice pick-me-up.

Speaking of stressed, today has been crazy.  Not in a bad way, just in a super busy way.  Which is good, except that I feel like I've been spinning in circles all day and I'm not sure I've actually accomplished anything.  We're having a delightful lull in the craziness at the moment so I'm taking a quick break to write this, but now I must get back to it.

Memory Lane: 2013 (there are some definite themes here, from the title to the elephants from yesterday). 2015

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