Monday, April 18, 2016

Animal Crackers, Yum!

Today is National Animal Crackers Day.  Although frankly, animal crackers day could be every day because they are yummy.  I love the frosted kind, the kind in the circus box, the kind that comes in the giant plastic bear container.  Today I celebrated with the frosted kind:

I mean, come on: frosting AND sprinkles?  What's not to love?  Although half the time I have no idea what the animals are supposed to be, but that's a minor consideration. 

I couldn't find any shoes specifically dealing with animal crackers, and I recently did a zoo post (animal crackers are usually zoo or circus themed), so I just found animal shoes I thought were adorable.  As such, I'm going to leave the comments to you because all of mine would be some variation of cute!

I love them all.  They are adorable.

If you looked back at the zoo post you'll notice a similarity in theme with this one beyond just animal shoes, and that is EAT ALL THE THINGS!  I don't know what is going on with me lately, but I am hungry all the fricking time.  I'm like a bottomless pit with a tapeworm who also has a bottomless pit.  I don't know if it's stress or hormones, or the planetary alignment or what, but dang.  Hence the purchasing and eating of frosted animal crackers.  Sigh.  My butt is going to be huge if I keep this up.

Moving on.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014.

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