Sunday, May 1, 2016

Flower(s) and Laughter

Today was another busy day.  I got up early and drove to Missoula where I went to church at the congregation where I had my first call.  It was nice.  And weird.  Maybe not my wisest choice when I'm so confused about my call?  But nice to see people.  Then I had breakfast with a friend who is like my cousin but not actually related.  Then I got lost trying to find Flower's and Laughter's soccer games.  Actually, I wasn't lost, I went to the right place, got confused, got honked at, tried GPS, THEN got lost.  GPS was so not helpful today.  I "had" to stop and get a latte to get me back on track.  Finally found the right place and then couldn't find Flower and Laughter.  By the time I found the fam I only got to watch about 20 minute's of Laughter's game (Flower wasn't feeling well so didn't play), but at least I got to see some of it.  I've spent the rest of the afternoon at the Seester's house, which has been awesome.  Laughter showed me all of the tricks she can do on the swing set.  That kid is a little monkey.  So is Flower, for that matter, but she only showed me a couple because she's still feeling kind of bleahky.

Today is May Day!  Which means flowers AND I got to spend time with Flower!

Aren't they all so bright and fun?

Today is also World Laughter Day, and I got to spend it with Laughter!  But since I just did a laughter post a couple of weeks ago, I just went with flower shoes for tonight.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014. 2015.

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