Wednesday, May 4, 2016

And Also With You

Happy Star Wars Day!  I have always loved Star Wars and am very happy that this is a holiday, even if I haven't had time to watch anything Star Wars-y today.  The day started with me getting Double A and The Bean up for school as they spent the night last night (yay) since I left today (boo).  Turns out I'm THAT mom (auntie) who drops her kids (nieces) off at school wearing her pajamas and slippers.  They were fed and dressed and had their homework, I just wasn't exactly put together.  I even got out of the car for good-bye hugs which meant people witnessed my lovely, bra-less attire.  The kiddos didn't seem to care, though.  After I finished packing and actually showered and dressed, Mom, Dad and I headed off to the seester's and from there we went to Flower's school for her 4th grade school program.  She was awesome!  She was a pirate in the show, which was all about pirates, but even more awesome, she was in a special choir called Kids in Motion that is comprised of 3-5 graders.  AND even more awesomer, she is also part of the Junk Band, which is a percussion group that uses things like buckets and garbage cans, etc.  She was so good, and it was so fun!  Also, she was totally the cutest pirate in the whole show.  After a couple of hours hanging out with the fam it was time to head to the airport.  Sigh.  I'm currently in the Salt Lake airport, having completed the first part of my journey.  I have a 3 hour layover and free wi-fi, so thought I'd do a quick post.  I'm so lucky and blessed to have had 2 weeks at home with my family, but it always tears me apart a little bit to leave.  I miss the hubby and am looking forward to seeing the puppies and dragons, but I hate leaving the fam.  Yes, I am a 41 year old woman who wants her mommy.  And her siblings, and auntie, and nieces.  I love being with them.

Back to Star Wars Day.  Part of the reason I was less than put together for school drop-off this morning was because the girls wanted Star Wars hair for school.  I am not great at doing my own hair, let alone someone else's, but we watched some Youtube tutorials last night and came up with the following:

The Bean has Rey's hair from The Force Awakens.

Double A has Princess Leia's Cloud City hair from The Empire Strikes Back.  I thought they turned out pretty well considering I have no experience and we only decided last night to give it a shot.  

That was the hair, let's look at shoes! 

Our friends at Irregular Choice even have Star Wars shoes!  Poor R2-D2 is being stepped on.

The artwork isn't great on these (although WAY better than I could ever do), but I like that they're of the newest movie.

Awww...BB-8 is adorable, as are these shoes, although BB-8 seems implied rather than explicit.  Maybe he's on the other side.

Ooooh...the bad guys!

These crack me up.  So very romance-movie-esque!

I know 2 of these are the same as the first picture, but now you can see Yoda (whose head is also being stepped on), and because this led me to this page which is 14 pairs of Irregular Choice Star Wars Shoes.  You should go look.  No really.  Go look.  And May the Fourth be With You!

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014. 2015.

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