Thursday, May 5, 2016

Cinco de Mayo

Holy buckets, I'm tired.  Montana and California are only an hour different time-wise, but I feel totally jet lagged and kept zoning out today.  Thankfully the hubby let me sleep in a little this morning, which was lovely.  Maybe it was a Cinco de Mayo present.  Not that we celebrate this particular holiday really, but if does provide as good an excuse as any to look at shoes.  Or drink margaritas if I weren't already so tired.  Or eat chips and guacamole, which will give us tonight's theme.

I love guacamole because it comes from avocados, and I love avocados.  I don't actually love avocados so much that I need this shoes, though

Or these, although I think these are cuter.

Or these, and not just because they are fleep flops. 

Of course Zazzle got in on the avocado action.  Who do you think wears avocado shoes?

These last 2 are avocado colored and rather cute, so I decided to include them.

Now I shall be taking my tired self to bed.  It's good to be home and see the hubby.  The puppies came with him to the airport last night and spent a solid five minutes giving me kisses.  I had to put my hand in the backseat while we were driving so they could lick me (they aren't allowed in the front, so that seemed the most expedient way of keeping them where they're supposed to stay).  Happy Cinco de Mayo to any of you who may celebrate it!

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014. 2015.

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