Tuesday, May 3, 2016


Oh my goodness, today was National Two Different Colored Shoes Day and I didn't even know it!  Not that I could have celebrated as I am still in Montana and don't have many shoe options.  The thing with wearing 2 different shoes is that you have to make sure they have the same heel height so you don't tip over. You may remember I ran errands in mismatched shoes once, but it was by accident and not on the national day of celebration:

They're both Clarks and basically the same shoe, so I didn't notice I was wearing 2 different shoes until I got home.  Eye roll.  Let's look at shoes that were mismatched on purpose.

Blue!  I approve.

Awww.  Kids can get away with this look because people will just assume they dressed themselves and were being stubborn and/or quirky.  Adults just get looked at like they're having a senior moment.

Not my favorite combination, although I like both shoes individually.  And I think they have different heel heights, so this woman better not stand up and try to walk.

I actually kind of like this whole combination, pants, mismatched shoes, and all.

Mismatched but opposites!

I would wear this combination for Easter.

Today is my last full day in MT for this vacation.  Sigh.  I hate leaving.  I miss the hubby, but I hate leaving the babies.  I need to learn to teleport.

Memory Lane: 2013.


  1. Saw a woman in JCPennys a few years ago buying shoes to wear to a wedding and she bought 2 pair so she could wear one of each - one rose and one lime. ME

    1. That sounds like a very interesting wedding!

  2. I adore the opposite mismatched ones! Never thought of that, but I would!
