Monday, May 2, 2016

Sweet 16

My Double A is 16 today!  Which is crazy, because just yesterday she looked like this:

She was such a happy baby.  She's still a happy kid, even if she is a teenager and more prone to rolling her eyes.  As a teenager, she is:  A Sophomore, into drama (the good kind where she acts in plays), on student council, driving (learner's permit, no driver's license yet...which reminds me, I need to have her take me for a drive), a sci-fi/fantasy nerd (I'm so proud), and VERY into Marvel comics.  MARVEL.  NOT DC.  We don't talk about DC around here.  So in honor of that love, here are some Marvel-themed shoes.  You'll notice they're all flats as my Double A is not a fan of heels.

Happy Birthday, Double A!  I'm so very happy I got to stay longer and celebrate your actual birthday today!

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014.

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