Friday, May 6, 2016


The other day after I wrote about The Auntie's and my fabulous road trip she wanted to know why the shoes had VWs on them and not Jeeps since she drives a Jeep Renegade (I think).  Honestly I just typed in "road trip shoes" and liked the ones with VWs on them.  I didn't even think about the kind of car we actually went road tripping in.  But, her comment got me to do another search, and it turns out that Jeep makes shoes.  Who knew?  From the very little research I did it looks like they make shoes for men, women, and children, and they can be leather or vegan.  Huh.  That's pretty much all I can say.  But I can show you pictures (just of women's shoes because those are the ones that caught my eye):

Overall I think they're pretty cute, and they seem like they would be comfortable, although I can't speak from actual experience.  I think this last, red one is my favorite, but I would actually wear any of them, especially if they are comfortable.  So thanks, Auntie for teaching me something new!

Speaking of Jeeps, our 16 year old intern drives a Jeep, and this next paragraph has nothing to do with that, I was just using it as a really bad segue.  Anyway, the hubby called me when I was in Montana and said that the intern was asking when I would be back.  Yesterday he told me it felt like I'd been gone for 4 years.  He's a really sweet, smart, and funny kid and in my role as office mom I think I tend to treat him more like one of my nieces than an employee.  The hubby and I joke that he's our adopted son, and I kind of got the impression that he was a tiny bit worried that his work parents were getting a divorce when I didn't come back when I said I would.  There was really no point to this paragraph other than I was thinking of the intern and thought he was rather sweet.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014.

1 comment:

  1. Love, love these Jeep shoes. I might need to shop for Jeep shoes. Cute and comfy looking. Thank you!!
