Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Still No Tea Party

Dang.  May 24th is here again, bringing with it International Tiara Day, and just like last year I'm STILL not home having a tiara tea party with nieces.  I really need to reprioritize my life.  I guess I'll just give you more tiara shoes.  

These are really floofy, but I had to show them to you because they aren't pink!  It's not that I completely hate pink, but tiaras should not have to equal pink.  In fact, come to think of it, I rarely see Kate Middleton wear pink.

Whoa.  Speaking of floofy.  And pink.  But I actually kind of like them.  At least there are some added colors, and I like that they're tennies.  For the princess who wants to be floofy AND practical.

Also practical.  Not pink.  Maybe I'd like them better if the gold parts weren't bedazzled.

Ohhhhh...thank you Frozen for giving me blue tiara shoes.  I doubt they come in my size, but I would totally wear them to my next tea party if they did.

Yep.  This pretty much sums up my day.  Throw in some snuggles with an adorable baby and I would be one happy baby snuggling, tiara/new shoe wearing, cooking eating fool.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014. 2015.

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