Friday, May 27, 2016


My cousin recently posted this on my Facebook wall:

Awwww....I love Snoopy!  And this is pretty much how I have felt all week.  I just want to snuggle up and snooze.  Except that I can't sleep on my stomach, but whatever.  These are adorable and made me go in search of more.

The Red Baron!  Plus, blue canvas high tops.  What's not to love?

More blue.  More sleepy Snoopy.  These just embody my week.

 Hmmm...didn't realize I went for quite so much blue.  But look how Snoopy loves Woodstock.

Hey!  Red!

Not blue,either!  I really like this.  Wouldn't be able to keep a pair clean, but I can dream.

This looks like the Sunday funnies on a show.  I'm in favor.

I HAD to end with the Snoopy dance.  I could have gone on for awhile with this post as there are approximately 8 gazillion and 3 cute Snoopy shoes.  But I'll quit and get back to work.  Yes, work.  8:00 on Friday and we're still at the office.  We're that dedicated!

Memory Lane: 2013. 2015.

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