Thursday, May 26, 2016

Paper Airplanes

Today is National Paper Airplane Day.  Which seems as good a thing to post about as anything.  I'm so tired this week, and I'm rather tired of being so tired.  Oh well.  At least there are paper airplane shoes in the world.

I had no idea I would find this many pairs.  I'm pleasantly surprised as they're all sweet.  Now I wish I'd known about today sooner so I could have made paper airplanes and thrown them at the interns.  Speaking of interns, have I mentioned that I'm currently the only woman in our office?  We have 16 employees, counting me and the hubby, and I'm the only woman. We have one other female employee but she works remotely, so I'm surrounded by men.  Don't get me wrong, I like men, but dang, we need a little estrogen up in that place.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014.

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