Thursday, June 30, 2016

Social Media

Today is Social Media Day.  It could be argued that EVERY DAY is social media day, but this is the one specifically set aside. I used to be on social media a decent amount, but since we launched the podcast network some days I feel like it has taken over my life.  All of our 19 shows each have their own Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and Google+ pages.  It's very confusing.  Thankfully the interns are starting to take some of the updating on, so maybe my brain will solidify out of its pudding-like state some day in the near future.  Of course I went in search of social media shoes, and actually was surprised there were so many options:

To be honest, I'm not entirely sure why any of these are necessary, especially the baby shoes.  You know I love me some baby shoes, but these are over the top.  I do like the picture above the baby shoes, though, because those are actually icons for your desktop.  I should see if I can find how to put those on my computer.  The rest?  Eh...only if I worked at an actual social media job.  Which I guess I kind of do, so maybe I should get some shoes for the office?  The tennies would be more practical for all of the walking I'm trying to do.  Which, by the way, is going well!  I hit 10,000 steps yesterday for the first time since the 80s (isn't hyperbole fun?).  I'm also drinking a TON of water, which helps in that I then have to go to the bathroom every 30 seconds and thus get more walking in.  Good times.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014. 2015 (warning: LOTS of language in this post).

PS--sorry for the commercial break, but you should follow our podcasts on social media!  Oh, and  you should listen to our podcasts!  We have lots of topics, so hopefully you can find one you like.  Here is the website, please check it out!

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