Friday, July 1, 2016

Postage Stamps

Today is several holidays on the holiday calendar.  For one, it's Canada Day, but I've done Canada shoes already and wanted to do something different tonight.  It's also National US Postage Stamp Day, so that's what we're going with:

I really like these, but I wish the stamps were a little smoother.  It feels like these are going to peel off at any moment.

Like this.  So cute!

Also cute, strangely subdued for having so many colors.

These were cute once upon a time before being extremely well loved and getting beaten all to heck.

I'm wishy washy tonight because I love the bright colors, but they're still not quite right.  I'd still wear them, though.

Yay for postage stamp shoes!  I have 2 friends who work for Post Office.  One is a guy so he's probably not going to go for any of these shoes except maybe the tennies.  The other is Scout's, Pippi's and Tink's mom.  If those ballet flats have any kind of arch support in them I think she needs a pair for work, don't you?

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014. 2015.

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