Monday, June 27, 2016


Today is Sunglasses Day!  Why?  Who cares?  I read a blog that claims that everyone looks hotter in sunglasses.  I'd that's mostly true.  Unless the sunglasses are awful and then the person looks kind of dorky, but generally speaking I would agree.  I wasn't sure what I would find in terms of sunglasses + shoes, but I did manage to find a few things:

I actually think these are both kind of cute.  They look like they're made out of material that doesn't breathe, but overall they're cute.  They're also Karl Lagerfeld and were applauded as being shoes "under $200."  Yeah, unless they're WAAAAY under that dollar figure these are definitely not that cute.  And/or I'm cheap. sunglasses shoes.  OK, probably just glasses, but work with me, OK?  They're sparkly and cute and made me then search for Babies in Sunglasses, which you should definitely go peruse, because adorable.  I give you example A in the form of toddler Flower:

AND she was wearing adorable shoes. If I remember correctly she was about to go fishing with her dad when this picture was taken.  Most fashionable fisher-girl I've ever seen!

So, I implemented my new plan for getting my patootie (or patoosh as Laughter sometimes refers to it) out of my office chair today.  According to my phone (and I have no idea how accurate it of these days I'd like to get a fitbit) I walked 7,655 steps, for a total of 3.69 miles, over the course of 72 minutes, and burned 264 calories.  Not the greatest results in the world, but still a million times better than what I've been doing most days of late.  Now I just have to keep it up.  I also drank over a gallon of water today, which is good as it was 8 million degrees.  I'm pretty much over summer already and it's not even July yet.  Sigh.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014. 2015.

er-girl I've ever seen!

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