Saturday, June 18, 2016


The hubby and I did NOT go into the office today.  Can you believe it?  I was there until almost 10:00 last night recording and editing my 2 bible study podcasts for this week, so it's been nice to stay home.  Well, we did actually go out, just not to the office.  We went to a movie!  We had a date!  We saw X-Men: Apocalypse.  I joked on Facebook that we haven't had a date night since approximately 1978.  Hyperbole, obviously, but it kind of feels that long.  Which is silly because we've had movie passes since March and it took us this long to use them.  To celebrate our long-time-coming date, here are some X-Men shoes:

I'm a nerd in that I really like movies based on Comic books, especially Marvel, but I'm not really a true  nerd because I've never actually read any of the comic books.  But the colors make for a nice contrast on black shoes.

Same shoe, I think, just more detail with the whole pair.

Storm and Wolverine?  Since I don't read the comic books I don't know how Wolverine looks in them, but those seem like his claws.

I think I might like these better if the platforms and heels were blue.  I know...color you shocked, right?

These actually said they were Wolverine shoes.  Wolverine is my favorite, but mostly because I love Hugh Jackman.  The fact that he takes his shirt off in the movies (a lot) doesn't hurt my love for him, either.

I also love Charles Xavier.  It's a well-rounded love.  I love the character and I also love the actors who play him, Patrick Stewart and James McAvoy.

Not only did I get a date with my hubby, but I got a nerdy date with my hubby!  I'll take it.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014. 2015.

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