Monday, June 6, 2016


It's Yo-Yo Day! I can't yo-yo worth crap, but I think they're fun and I still try to at least be able to do some basics whenever I encounter one out in the wild.  Here are some yo-yo shoes:

I didn't find any shoes with actual yo-yos on them, so all of today's shoes have yo-yo in their title.  You know I love these because of the straps and the colors.

And I love these!  They're so bright and silly and fun.

These last 3 are from a site called Yoyo Footwear.  I think this one is adorable.



I think I am in favor of yo-yo shoes.  So cute!

So, we're still at the office.  I'm sure you aren't surprised.  We're actually waiting on an intern to finish his podcast for the week, so I don't know exactly when we'll be done.  I have plenty to do, though, so I'll keep busy.  I've been dealing with a sore throat and muscle aches which sucks, but oh well.  Maybe I'll get to go home and go to bed soon.

Memory Lane: 2013.

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