Sunday, July 3, 2016

Foxes and Owls and Shoes, Oh My

Today is the Pinterest Friend's birthday!  Hooray!  Because she is the PF and cool like that, SHE sent ME presents.  Oh silly PF.  Here they are:

I think I've posted the puppy shoes before, but didn't know they were part of a series.  I just don't know why they are so sad.  And why the kitties and zebras look surprised.

These are adorable.  I don't really have a desire to wear fox shoes, but if I did, I think these might be the ones.  I'm sure there's some event where they would be appropriate.

The rest are my gifts to the PF, fox and owl shoes:

They're all Zazzle, and they're all adorable.  When I win the lottery or become a rich and famous podcaster (hahahahaha) I will buy everyone adorable but crazy-expensive Zazzle tennies in the theme of their choice. 

Happy Birthday, PF!  I hope your day was superfantabulous!

I also want to acknowledge that today is the birthday of one of my best friends from high school.  Sadly she died about 6 years from a brain hemorrhage.  She was way too young and left behind a husband and young son, her father, sister, and 2 brothers.  The world misses her big laugh and crazy sense of humor.  I regret that we lost track of each other for awhile and had only just reconnected via Facebook but hadn't had a chance to see each other in person (even though we were living in same town) when she died.  RIP, my friend.

Memory Lane:  2013. 2014. 2015.

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